Are electric scooters a good way to get exercise?


Here’s a table summarizing the exercise benefits of electric scooters, along with some pointers to keep in mind:

Calories burned per 30 minutes150-200
Average speed10-15 mph
Distance covered in 30 minutes3-5 miles


  • Electric scooters provide a moderate level of exercise, burning around 150-200 calories per 30 minutes of use, which is comparable to brisk walking.
  • They can be a fun and convenient way to get around town, while also incorporating some physical activity into your daily routine.
  • It’s important to remember that they don’t provide a high-intensity workout. If you’re looking to seriously improve your fitness, you may want to consider combining electric scooter riding with other forms of exercise, like cycling or running.

Here are some additional tips to maximize your workout when riding an electric scooter:

  • Choose a scooter with a kick-to-start option. This allows you to get a warmup by kicking the scooter to get going before the electric motor takes over.
  • Push yourself uphill. When facing inclines, avoid using the throttle only and try to push yourself with your legs for an extra challenge.
  • Maintain good posture. Stand tall and engage your core muscles to help with balance and stability.
  • Ride for longer distances. The longer you ride, the more calories you’ll burn.

Electric scooters can be a fun and convenient way to get around and get some light exercise at the same time. Just keep in mind that they’re not a replacement for a dedicated workout routine.

Q: Are electric scooters a good way to get exercise?

A: Electric scooters offer a surprising amount of potential when it comes to exercise. While they might not provide the same intensity as running or cycling, they can definitely contribute to a healthy, active lifestyle. Here’s a breakdown of how:

  • Low-Impact Cardio: Electric scooter riding provides a gentle form of cardiovascular exercise. Your heart rate increases moderately, boosting blood flow and improving overall heart health. This is particularly beneficial for those new to exercise or with limited mobility.

  • Core and Balance Work: To ride an electric scooter safely, you need to engage your core muscles for stabilization and balance. Over time, this consistent engagement strengthens your core, improving posture and potentially reducing back pain.

  • Lower Body Strength: While primarily focused on balance, riding an electric scooter subtly works the leg muscles. Steering, adjusting for terrain, and even gently pushing off (if you occasionally switch off the motor) contribute to building lower body strength.

  • Getting Outdoors: Electric scooters facilitate spending more time outdoors. Fresh air and sunlight offer significant mood and health benefits. The simple act of being outside adds a valuable element to your exercise routine.

  • Active Transportation: Replacing short car trips with electric scooter rides incorporates activity into your daily routine. This is especially beneficial for making exercise a sustainable habit.

Important Considerations:

  • Intensity Moderation: Don’t expect an electric scooter to replace a high-intensity workout. It’s best for low to moderate exercise.

  • Safety First: Always wear a helmet and protective gear. Follow traffic regulations and be mindful of pedestrians and other vehicles.

  • Combine with Other Activity: For optimal fitness, pair electric scootering with strength training and more intensive forms of cardio.

How to Maximize Fitness Benefits when Using an Electric Scooter

  1. Vary Your Route: Include hills and slightly uneven terrain to challenge your balance and require more muscle engagement.

  2. Manual Push-Offs: Occasionally switch off the electric motor and propel yourself manually for short bursts. This adds a strength-building element to your ride.

  3. Stand Tall: Maintain good posture while riding. Avoid hunching, as this engages your core muscles more effectively.

  4. Combine with Walking: For a well-rounded workout, park your scooter further away from your destination and walk the rest of the way.

Who is likely to benefit the most from electric scooter exercise?

Overall, electric scooters offer a surprising and accessible way to increase activity levels. By focusing on proper technique, conscious engagement, and combining it with other forms of exercise, they can absolutely be a positive element of a healthy lifestyle.

Electric Scooters and Exercise: FAQs

  1. Is riding an electric scooter good exercise?

Electric scooters themselves aren’t a strenuous workout, but they can provide low-impact cardio and engage core muscles for balance. They burn similar calories to walking ([source]).

  1. Can I use an electric scooter to get around and still get exercise?

Absolutely! Scooter rides can replace car trips, increasing your daily activity. Consider kicking to push off at stop signs or opting for scooters with adjustable motor strength for a more engaged ride.

  1. What are the health benefits of riding an electric scooter?

Besides burning calories, electric scooters can improve balance, coordination, and core strength. They’re also a low-impact activity on your joints, making them suitable for people with limited mobility.

  1. How many calories does riding an electric scooter burn?

Riding for 30 minutes at an average speed can burn around 150 calories, similar to brisk walking ([source]).

  1. Are electric scooters a good alternative to cycling for exercise?

Cycling offers a more intense workout, but electric scooters can be a convenient option for shorter trips or for those new to exercise.

  1. Can I combine electric scooter riding with other exercises?

Sure! Park your scooter further away from your destination and walk the last bit. You can also use it to get to a park and then jog or do bodyweight exercises.

  1. Are there any safety concerns when riding an electric scooter for exercise?

Always wear a helmet and follow local traffic laws. Be aware of your surroundings and avoid riding under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

  1. What are some US cities known for being electric scooter friendly?

Los Angeles, Austin, Denver, and Miami are among the many US cities with extensive electric scooter rental programs and infrastructure.

  1. How much does it typically cost to rent an electric scooter in the US?

Rental fees vary depending on the company and city, but typically there’s a base unlock fee and a per-minute charge.

  1. Can I buy my own electric scooter instead of renting?

Yes, electric scooters are available for purchase, offering more freedom and potentially lower costs in the long run.

  1. What are some things to consider when buying an electric scooter for exercise?

Look for models with adjustable speeds, good range, and comfortable handlebars. Consider factors like weight, portability, and safety features.

  1. Are electric scooters legal to ride on sidewalks everywhere in the US?

Electric scooter regulations vary by city. Always check local laws before riding. Some cities allow sidewalk riding, while others restrict it to bike lanes or streets.

  1. What’s the typical speed limit for electric scooters in the US?

Most US cities limit electric scooter speeds to 15-20 mph.

  1. Do I need a driver’s license to ride an electric scooter in the US?

In most cases, you won’t need a driver’s license, but you might need to be 18 or older to rent or operate an electric scooter. Again, check your local laws.

  1. How can I find out about electric scooter rules in my US city?

City government websites or the websites of electric scooter rental companies often have information on local regulations.

  1. What are some eco-friendly benefits of using electric scooters for exercise?

Electric scooters are a zero-emission mode of transportation, reducing your carbon footprint compared to gas-powered vehicles.

  1. Can I take my electric scooter on public transportation in the US?

Bus and train policies on electric scooters vary. Check with the specific public transport provider before attempting to bring your scooter on board.

  1. How can I store my electric scooter safely in the US?

Many electric scooters have folding mechanisms for easy storage indoors or in designated scooter parking areas. Invest in a good lock to deter theft.

  1. Are there any electric scooter safety accessories I should consider?

A bright helmet with a rear light is essential. Reflective clothing and additional lights on your scooter can further enhance visibility, especially at night.

  1. What are some tips for enjoying a safe and healthy electric scooter ride for exercise?

Plan your route beforehand, avoid riding in bad weather, and be mindful of pedestrians and cyclists. Maintain a safe distance from parked cars and watch out for road hazards.

  1. Are electric scooters a fun way to get some exercise?

Absolutely! They offer a convenient, eco-friendly way to get around while incorporating some light physical activity into your daily routine.

Answer ( 1 )


    Are electric scooters a good way to get exercise?

    Electric scooters have become increasingly popular as a means of transportation in urban areas. While they offer convenience and eco-friendliness, the question of whether they provide a good source of exercise depends on various factors. Let’s break it down:

    1. Overview of Electric Scooters:
      • Electric scooters are powered by electric motors, allowing users to travel at speeds up to 15-20 miles per hour.
      • They typically have a range of 15-30 miles on a single charge, depending on the model and battery capacity.
      • These scooters are designed for short to medium-distance commutes and are often used for leisurely rides as well.
    2. Exercise Benefits of Electric Scooters:
      • While electric scooters do provide some level of physical activity, it’s limited compared to traditional scooters or bicycles.
      • Riding an electric scooter engages muscles to maintain balance and control, contributing to core strength and stability.
      • Users may also experience increased heart rate and calorie expenditure, although to a lesser extent compared to manual scooters or bicycles.
      • For individuals with mobility limitations or those recovering from injuries, electric scooters offer a low-impact form of exercise.
    3. Comparison with Traditional Scooters and Bicycles:
      • Electric scooters require minimal physical effort compared to traditional scooters, where propulsion is entirely manual.
      • Bicycles, on the other hand, offer a more rigorous form of exercise as they engage major muscle groups, including legs, glutes, and core, especially when riding uphill or at higher speeds.
      • Unlike electric scooters, bicycles allow for varied intensity levels of exercise, such as leisurely rides, moderate-paced commutes, or intense workouts.
    4. Factors Affecting Exercise Potential:
      • Terrain: Riding electric scooters on flat surfaces provides less exercise compared to navigating hilly terrains, where users need to exert more effort to maintain speed and control.
      • Speed: Riding at higher speeds on electric scooters reduces the physical exertion required, whereas slower speeds may engage muscles more for balance and control.
      • Duration: Longer rides on electric scooters can contribute to increased calorie expenditure and cardiovascular benefits, although they may still be less effective than manual alternatives.
      • User Intention: Individuals seeking primarily transportation may prioritize convenience over exercise, while those aiming for fitness may opt for manual scooters or bicycles.
    5. Safety Considerations:
      • Electric scooters pose safety risks, especially at higher speeds, on uneven surfaces, or in crowded urban environments.
      • Users should wear helmets and appropriate protective gear to mitigate the risk of accidents or injuries.
      • Regular maintenance checks are crucial to ensure the safety and functionality of electric scooters, including brakes, tires, and electrical components.

    Comparison Table: Exercise Potential of Electric Scooters vs. Traditional Scooters and Bicycles

    FactorsElectric ScootersTraditional ScootersBicycles
    Muscle EngagementLimited, primarily core and balanceEngages muscles for propulsionEngages major muscle groups (legs, core)
    Cardiovascular BenefitModerateLimitedSignificant, especially at higher speeds
    Calorie ExpenditureModerateModerateVaried based on intensity and duration
    TerrainLess affected by terrainEffort varies with terrainEffort varies, more significant on hills
    SpeedHigher speeds reduce exertionExertion directly proportionalExertion varies with speed
    SafetyRisks associated with speed, terrain, and trafficLower risk due to manual propulsionSafety depends on road conditions, traffic, and rider skill

    Electric scooters offer a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation in urban areas, but their effectiveness as a source of exercise is limited compared to traditional scooters or bicycles. While riding electric scooters engages muscles for balance and control, the level of physical exertion is lower than manual alternatives. Factors such as terrain, speed, and user intention play a role in determining the exercise potential of electric scooters. Individuals seeking primarily transportation may find electric scooters suitable, while those prioritizing fitness may opt for manual scooters or bicycles for more rigorous exercise. Safety considerations are crucial when using electric scooters, including wearing protective gear and adhering to traffic regulations to minimize the risk of accidents or injuries. Ultimately, whether electric scooters are a good way to get exercise depends on individual preferences, fitness goals, and the context of use.

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