Can I take my electric scooter on public transportation?

Public TransportationRulesIcon
BusUsually not allowed, but some buses have bike racks for bicycles. Check with the bus operator before you go.
SubwayVaries by city. Some subway systems allow folded electric scooters, while others do not. Check with the subway operator before you go.⚠️
TrainVaries by railroad. Some railroads allow electric scooters on certain trains, while others do not. Check with the railroad before you go.⚠️



Can I take my electric scooter on public transportation in the US?

The short answer is generally yes, but with important things to keep in mind:

Let’s break things down further:

Trains (Amtrak, Commuter Rail, Subways)

  • Amtrak: Amtrak treats e-scooters like e-bikes. They are permitted onboard but may need to be stored in designated areas. Check their website for current guidelines (
  • Commuter Rail: Policies vary greatly between commuter rail systems. Always contact the specific rail line you’ll be using for their most recent rules.
  • Subways: Subway systems often allow folded e-scooters as carry-on luggage. However, avoid peak rush hour times when space is limited.


  • City Buses: Most city bus systems allow folded e-scooters. Look for specific rules on the transit agency’s website. Expect to fold your scooter and either hold it on your lap or place it under your seat.
  • Intercity Buses (Greyhound, etc.): Policies are stricter with intercity buses. Contact the bus line directly for their current regulations.

General Tips

  • Check beforehand: Always research the specific transit agencies you’ll be using. Their websites will have the most up-to-date information.
  • Fold and be courteous: Fold your e-scooter whenever possible and keep it out of the way of other passengers and the aisle.
  • Avoid peak hours: If possible, travel during non-peak times to avoid overcrowding.
  • Secure your scooter: Make sure your scooter is stable and well-secured so it won’t move around.
  • Consider a carrying bag: A carrying bag can make it easier to transport your folded scooter.

Specific Examples (Major US Cities)

Here’s what you might find in some major cities. Remember, policies can change!

  • New York City: Folded e-scooters are generally allowed on subways and buses. Check the MTA website for current rules (
  • Los Angeles: Folded e-scooters are permitted on LA Metro buses and trains. Refer to their website (
  • Chicago: The CTA allows folded e-scooters onboard trains and buses. Visit their website for details (
  • Washington DC: Folded e-scooters are generally allowed on the DC Metro system. See the WMATA website (

Important Considerations

  • E-scooter size and weight: Excessively large or heavy scooters may be restricted even if folded.
  • Battery restrictions: Some agencies have restrictions on the size of lithium batteries allowed onboard. Make sure your e-scooter’s battery complies with their regulations.
  • Accessibility: Always be mindful of passengers with disabilities; give priority for wheelchair spaces.

By following these guidelines and checking with your local transit agencies, you can seamlessly combine your electric scooter ride with public transportation for a convenient and eco-friendly commute.

FAQs: Electric Scooters on Public Transportation

  1. Can I bring my electric scooter on public transport in the US?

Generally, yes, but it depends on the specific public transportation system and local regulations. It’s always best to check the website or app of your local bus or train authority for their policies on electric scooters.

  1. Are there any US cities that ban e-scooters on public transport?

While uncommon, some US cities may have restrictions. A quick web search for “e-scooter rules + [your city name]” should clarify the local regulations.

  1. What are some general guidelines for bringing my e-scooter on public transport?
  • Folded and carried: Most systems require scooters to be folded and carried, not ridden on board.
  • Mindful of space: Be courteous and avoid blocking aisles or doorways with your scooter.
  • Battery safety: Some systems may have limitations on battery size or type. Check for specific guidelines.
  1. What about e-scooter storage on buses?

There usually isn’t designated storage for scooters on buses. Look for a spot out of the way, like near the front of the bus, where it won’t block passengers.

  1. Can I take my e-scooter on the subway or light rail?

Most subway and light rail systems allow scooters on board, but again, check with your local authority for specific rules. Some may have limitations during peak hours.

  1. Are there any restrictions on e-scooter size or weight for public transport?

Some systems might have size or weight limitations for scooters allowed on board. Refer to your local public transport authority’s website for details.

  1. What if my e-scooter battery is dead? Can I still bring it on public transport?

This depends on the local regulations. Some systems may allow dead scooters, while others may not. Check the specific rules beforehand.

  1. Is there a fee to bring my e-scooter on public transport?

Typically, there is no extra fee for bringing your scooter on public transport in the US.

  1. What happens if my e-scooter damages public transport property?

You will likely be responsible for any damage your scooter causes to the bus, train, or other public transport vehicle.

  1. Is it safe to leave my e-scooter on public transport?

While public transport is generally safe, it’s always recommended to keep an eye on your belongings. Consider using a lock or carrying your scooter with you if possible.

  1. What are some alternatives to bringing my e-scooter on public transport?
  • Locking stations: Look for designated e-scooter locking stations near your public transport stop.
  • Scooter sharing: Consider using a dockless scooter sharing service for your last-mile commute after exiting public transport.
  1. What if my local public transport doesn’t allow e-scooters?

Explore alternative options like folding bikes, which some public transport systems allow on board.

  1. Who can I contact if I have questions about e-scooters on public transport?

Your local public transport authority’s website or app should have a contact section or FAQ page with relevant information.

  1. Are there any apps that can help me find out if e-scooters are allowed on public transport?

There isn’t a universal app, but some public transport apps might include information on e-scooter policies. You can also search online for “[your city name] public transport + e-scooters”.

  1. What are some safety tips for using e-scooters before and after public transport?
  • Helmet: Always wear a properly fitted helmet while riding your e-scooter.
  • Follow traffic laws: Obey all traffic signs and signals when riding your e-scooter on the road.
  • Be aware of surroundings: Pay attention to pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists when riding your e-scooter.
  1. Is e-scooter insurance required to bring it on public transport?

E-scooter insurance usually isn’t mandatory in the US, but it’s recommended for added protection.

  1. Can I bring my e-scooter on Amtrak trains?

Amtrak currently doesn’t allow electric scooters on board their trains due to safety concerns.

  1. Are there any future plans for integrating e-scooters with public transport in the US?

Many cities are exploring ways to better integrate e-scooters with public transport systems. This might involve designated storage areas or partnerships with scooter rental companies.

Answer ( 1 )


    Here’s a comprehensive guide on taking electric scooters on public transportation in the US:

    1. Check Local Regulations:

    • Regulations regarding electric scooters on public transportation vary by city and state. Research the specific rules and regulations in your area regarding the transportation of electric scooters on public transit.

    2. Review Public Transportation Policies:

    • Contact the public transportation authority in your area to inquire about their policies regarding electric scooters. Some transit agencies have specific guidelines for bringing scooters on board.

    3. Size and Weight Restrictions:

    • Determine if your electric scooter meets the size and weight requirements set by the public transportation provider. Most transit agencies have limitations on the size and weight of items passengers can bring on board.

    4. Foldable vs. Non-Foldable Scooters:

    • Foldable electric scooters are generally easier to bring onto public transportation as they take up less space. Non-foldable scooters may be subject to additional restrictions or may not be allowed at all.

    5. Battery Restrictions:

    • Check if there are any restrictions on the battery size or type of your electric scooter. Lithium-ion batteries, commonly used in electric scooters, may have specific regulations for transportation on public transit due to safety concerns.

    6. Accessibility Considerations:

    • Ensure that bringing your electric scooter on public transportation does not impede accessibility for other passengers, especially those with disabilities. Be mindful of crowded spaces and prioritize the needs of others.

    7. Purchase Tickets or Passes:

    • Acquire the necessary tickets or passes for both yourself and your electric scooter, if applicable. Some transit agencies may require an additional fare for large or bulky items like scooters.

    8. Plan Your Route:

    • Plan your route in advance, taking into account any transfers or connections you may need to make. Choose routes that are scooter-friendly and have sufficient space for boarding and alighting.

    9. Arrive Early:

    • Arrive at the transit stop or station early to ensure you have enough time to board with your electric scooter. Rushing may lead to difficulties in navigating through crowds or finding space for your scooter.

    10. Boarding the Transit Vehicle:

    • When boarding the transit vehicle, follow the instructions of transit staff or signage regarding the placement of your electric scooter. Typically, you’ll be asked to position it in designated areas to ensure safety and accessibility.

    11. Secure Your Scooter:

    • If provided, use any available straps or securement devices to fasten your electric scooter in place during transit. This prevents it from moving around or causing obstruction to other passengers.

    12. Be Courteous to Other Passengers:

    • Be mindful of other passengers when traveling with your electric scooter. Avoid blocking aisles or doorways and be prepared to make way for others when necessary.

    13. Exiting the Transit Vehicle:

    • When reaching your destination, wait until the transit vehicle comes to a complete stop before disembarking with your electric scooter. Move to the exit in a timely manner to avoid delays for other passengers.

    14. Follow Transit Etiquette:

    • Follow all transit etiquette guidelines, such as giving up priority seating to those in need and keeping noise levels to a minimum. Respect the rules and regulations of the transit agency to ensure a pleasant journey for everyone.

    15. Storing Your Scooter:

    • When not in use, store your electric scooter in a safe and secure location. Consider investing in a lock or other security measures to prevent theft or damage.

    Here’s a tabular representation of some common public transportation agencies in the US and their policies regarding electric scooters:

    Public Transportation AgencyElectric Scooter Policy
    New York City SubwayFoldable electric scooters are permitted on board.
    Los Angeles MetroElectric scooters are allowed on board during off-peak hours.
    Chicago Transit AuthorityElectric scooters must be folded and stored in designated areas.
    San Francisco MuniFoldable electric scooters are allowed on board at all times.
    Washington MetroElectric scooters are permitted, subject to size restrictions.
    Boston MBTAFoldable electric scooters are allowed on board.

    Remember to verify the most up-to-date information directly from the respective public transportation agencies as policies and regulations may change over time.

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